We found four cases relevant to First Amendment speech freedoms where Judge Hardiman either wrote or joined an opinion. Additionally, he voted against a ...
2016 was a surprising year in politics. One surprise that hasn’t received much attention yet is the minimal role played by “money in politics” ...
Before progressives began to obsess over “fake news,” they were convinced that the greatest threat to our democracy was the scourge of “dark money.” ...
Hillary Clinton and friends spent $1.2 billion this election and all they got was a lousy Jill Stein recount. Political scientists may mark 2016 ...
As we enjoy the relative radio silence of all things related to super PACs, campaign finance, the influence of the misnamed “dark” money in ...
It's been a busy week in the world of campaign finance. The FEC's newly announced 527 agreements have (quite appropriately) dominated the discussion. But ...
The organized press has long served as a complaisant cheerleader for campaign finance restrictions, confident that the regulations they enthusiastically support will never come ...
The two cases we’ve been discussing this week share, in my mind, a defining characteristic: each involves attempts to fool the Court about what ...