Congressional Democrats in 2021 attempted to ram through a series of draconian election reforms aimed at harassing and limiting the speech of donors to their ...
Pennsylvania’s state House State Government Committee advanced a dangerous, anti-free speech bill guaranteed to invite litigation paid for by Keystone State taxpayers.
Secret investigations into thoughtcrimes–prompted by classmates surveilling and reporting each other for expressing the wrong ideas.
Institute for Free Speech attorneys say the squishy test courts currently apply to government censorship of third parties doesn’t sufficiently protect free speech, and ...
South Carolina currently provides no protection against a key threat to free speech: strategic lawsuits against public participation, or “SLAPPs.”
Current West Virginia law provides no SLAPP protection whatsoever for speakers who comment on any matter of public concern.
It is true that the FEC’s bipartisan structure will lead it to tie votes at times. But this is a feature, not a bug.
State lawmakers have a golden opportunity to strengthen free speech for all Pennsylvanians this year.
What can Michigan do to improve free-speech protections for its citizens?
The Minnesota law is typical of these measures, making Monday’s hearing an early test of their constitutionality. The law defines “foreign-influenced corporations” as including any U.S. ...