Americans should take two lessons from these unfortunate events. First: The right to support causes privately and keep our associations to ourselves is important ...
Much of the Freedom to Vote Act has nothing to do with voting. Nearly 200 pages of it propose an unprecedented assault on free ...
When the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of major portions of the Federal Election Campaign Act in Buckley v. Valeo (1976), it launched what is now ...
Beginning Jan. 19, Facebook will no longer allow advertisers to identify users based on their interactions with content related to "health, race or ethnicity, ...
Deep inside the Democrats’ latest “compromise” proposal on elections and campaign finance is a new cup of poison for free speech and fair campaigns. Of course, the sponsors ...
Yet, the so-called Freedom to Vote Act, which is expected to receive a vote in the Senate this week, would restrict our right to ...
The new Democratic voting- and speech-regulation bill dropped the idea of switching “the Federal Election Commission to an odd number of seats.” Unfortunately, it ...
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in July that California could not require charities and other nonprofit organizations to submit an annual ...
Before seeking to “ban targeted advertising,” Mr. Masters should consider the effect on citizens’ ability to organize and challenge entrenched power. Thanks to online ...
The DISCLOSE Act, a tortured acronym for “Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections,” is a part of both S. 1 ...