Constitutional and Practical Issues with New Jersey A. 1524

March 15, 2019   •  By Eric Wang   •  , , ,

A. 1524 would subject advocacy groups to unconstitutionally vague, broad, and invasive new “disclosure” requirements for merely providing factual information to their members and ...

Constitutional and Practical Issues with Nebraska Legislative Bill 210

March 12, 2019   •  By Matt Nese   •  , , ,

As drafted, Nebraska Legislative Bill 210 will regulate an expansive amount of speech, including presumably books, websites, text messages, and e-mails. The bill’s unequal ...

Constitutional and Practical Concerns with Idaho S. 1183

March 11, 2019   •  By Tyler Martinez   •  , , , ,

While we appreciate the Committee’s consideration of the concerns expressed by the Institute for Free Speech and others, the changes in S. 1183 are ...

Letter to U.S. House of Representatives in Opposition to H.R. 1

The Institute for Free Speech writes in strong opposition to H.R. 1, the “For the People Act.” More appropriately known as the “For the ...

Written Testimony of Tyler Martinez on Constitutional and Practical Concerns with Idaho S. 1114

February 20, 2019   •  By Tyler Martinez   •  , , , ,

In particular, I would like to note several significant legal and practical concerns raised by S. 1114, which proposes sweeping amendments to Idaho’s campaign ...

Testimony of David Keating Before the U.S. House Committee on House Administration on H.R. 1

One way to understand how H.R. 1 would harm nonprofit civic and advocacy groups is to apply its provisions to common advocacy and operating ...

Testimony of Bradley A. Smith Before the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee on H.R. 1

February 6, 2019   •  By Brad Smith   •  , , , , , , ,

Despite proponents’ insistence that H.R. 1 is “For the People,” the bill is anything but. More appropriately labeled the “For the Politicians Act,” H.R. ...

Analysis of H.R. 1 (Part Three)

February 5, 2019   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

PDF of Legislative Brief available here Analysis of H.R. 1 (Part Three): New Restrictions Target Speech by All Groups Under the Guise of “Stopping ...

Comments to FEC on Notice 2018-16

January 31, 2019   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , , ,

On behalf of the Institute for Free Speech (“Institute”), we respectfully submit the following in response to the Federal Election Commission’s (“FEC” or “Commission”) ...

Analysis of H.R. 1 (Part Two)

January 31, 2019   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

In a nutshell, H.R. 1 does away with the FEC’s existing bipartisan structure to allow for partisan control of the regulation of campaigns and ...

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