Letter to U.S. House Judiciary Committee on Citizens United and H.R. 1

January 29, 2019   •  By David Keating   •  ,

From the moment the ruling was announced in 2010, Citizens United has been wildly misconstrued. H.R. 1’s factual findings related to Citizens United, unfortunately, ...

Constitutional and Practical Issues with Colorado Senate Bill 19-068

January 28, 2019   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , , , , ,

This legislation touches on fundamental First Amendment rights of speech, petition, and private association. S.B. 19-068 is, therefore, subject to “exacting scrutiny” – a heightened ...

Analysis of H.R. 1 (Part One)

January 23, 2019   •  By Eric Wang   •  , , ,

This analysis examines Title IV, Subtitles B (“DISCLOSE Act”), C (“Honest Ads”), and D (“Stand by Every Ad”) of H.R. 1 (116th Congress). The ...

Changes to Current Campaign Finance Laws Proposed by H.R. 1

January 22, 2019   •  By IFS Staff   •  , , ,

PDF available here To facilitate understanding of how H.R. 1 would change current federal law that regulates political speech, the Institute for Free Speech ...

Constitutional and Practical Issues with New Jersey S. 1500

January 17, 2019   •  By Eric Wang   •  , , ,

S. 1500 would subject advocacy groups to unconstitutionally vague, broad, and invasive new “disclosure” requirements for merely providing factual information to their members and ...

First Amendment Concerns Regarding Oklahoma Ethics Commission Amendment 2019-02

January 10, 2019   •  By Zac Morgan   •  , , ,

The Institute is seriously concerned that both proposals for Amendment 2019-02 raise significant questions under the First Amendment. Each runs counter to landmark federal ...

Analysis of the “DISCLOSE Act of 2018” (S. 3150)

December 19, 2018   •  By Eric Wang   •  , ,

Upon taking control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 116th Congress, Democrats have indicated their first order of business will be to ...

First Amendment Concerns with Oklahoma Ethics Commission Amendment 2019-02

December 14, 2018   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , , ,

Yesterday evening, with mere minutes remaining in the work day, the Ethics Commission released draft language for Amendment 2019-02. The proposed amendment would significantly ...

Misguided Fears and Misleading Rhetoric: IRS Reform Provides Protections for Privacy in Association

December 11, 2018   •  By IFS Staff   •  , ,

Critics of the IRS reform suggest that it will allow foreign money to flow into American campaigns and increase the prevalence of “dark money.” ...

S. J. Res. 64 Seeks to Undo IRS Protections for Privacy in Association

December 11, 2018   •  By IFS Staff   •  , ,

The IRS recently adopted a pro-First Amendment reform to protect associational privacy. Some members of Congress oppose the reform, and the Senate is likely ...

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