Is Money Speech? (Video)

September 24, 2012   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

Prof. Bradley Smith illustrates some ways money is used in practice to ensure people have free speech. For example, money used to build a ...

Should Government Track Your Political Activity (Video)

September 10, 2012   •  By Brad Smith   •  , , ,

Professor Brad Smith asks you to imagine the following scenario: at the height of the War on Terror, the government passes a second PATRIOT ...

What Does Research Say About Public Funding for Political Campaigns?

August 1, 2010   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

The issue of public funding for political campaigns is heating up as the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to take up the case of Arizona ...

Issue Analysis 3: Do ‘Clean Elections’ increase the number of female legislators?

August 1, 2008   •  By Laura Renz   •  ,

Proponents of taxpayer-funded political campaigns, often called “clean elections” by their proponents, cite the ability of an increased number of diverse, non-traditional candidates able to run for and ...

Regulatory and legislative history of online political speech

June 11, 2008   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

The internet has arguably transformed politics more than any innovation since the rise of television-first made prominent by John Kennedy in his debate against ...

Issue Analysis 2: Legislator Occupations: Change or Status Quo After Clean Elections?

May 1, 2008   •  By Laura Renz   •  ,

One of the main arguments in favor of taxpayer-funded political campaigns, sometimes called “clean elections,” is that they will lead to more diverse legislatures, and that a larger ...

Policy Primers: Grassroots Advocacy

May 17, 2007   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

Of the several policy proposals circulating Capitol Hill to correct lobbying abuses, strengthen the relative voice of citizens, and add accountability to the earmarking process, one ...

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