Daily Media Links 10/15: Changing campaign-finance laws might not deter corruption, Romney tries to bury Obama in ads, and more…

October 15, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Independent groups

Weekly Standard: Unions Fine Members Who Don’t Show Support for Elizabeth Warren
By Michael Warren
A GOP source sends along this video, shot by a Republican tracker, of a union member supporting Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren outside of a debate Wednesday night in Springfield, Massachusetts. The cameraman asks the union member if he was at an earlier debate between Warren and her Republican opponent, Senator Scott Brown.  
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Bloomberg: Brown-Warren Pact Undone as Outside Groups See Loopholes 
By Alison Fitzgerald
Independent political groups are finding ways around the pledge by Republican Senator Scott Brown and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren to keep outside money out of their hard-fought U.S. Senate campaign. 
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Roll Call (At the Races): Crossroads GPS Launches House Blitz Across the Country  
By Joshua Mille
The juggernaut GOP-affiliated group Crossroads GPS will soon announce a massive $8.1 million television and radio effort for House Republicans slated to begin Saturday and run for three weeks.  
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Candidates and parties

NY Times: Campaigns Mine Personal Lives to Get Out Vote 
Strategists affiliated with the Obama and Romney campaigns say they have access to information about the personal lives of voters at a scale never before imagined. And they are using that data to try to influence voting habits — in effect, to train voters to go to the polls through subtle cues, rewards and threats in a manner akin to the marketing efforts of credit card companies and big-box retailers. 
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Wall Street Journal: Legal Scraps from the Veep Debate 
By Joe Palazzolo
Vice President Joe Biden obliquely referred to Citizens United v. FEC when asked about negative campaigning: “These special new groups that can go out there, raise all the money they want, not have to identify themselves, who say the most scurrilous things about the other candidate. It’s — it’s an abomination.”  
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Washington Post: Direct mail still a force in campaigns 
By Dan Eggen
The modern political campaign has fully embraced Twitter, Facebook and other social media to reach voters, but President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney are still spending massive sums on a more traditional form of communication: snail mail.  

Washington Post: Romney tries to bury Obama in ads 
By Dan Eggen and T.W. Farnam
Republican nominee Mitt Romney and his allies are banking heavily on a high-risk, high-reward media strategy in the final weeks of the campaign, hoping that burying President Obama in ads will give them a crucial edge on Election Day.  

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) — President Barack Obama’s campaign says it has surpassed 4 million donors, a record for a presidential campaign.  

Columbus Dispatch: Changing campaign-finance laws might not deter corruption 
By  Lydia Coutré 
The system for monitoring campaign spending in Ohio relies on honesty, which can make it challenging to pick out bad apples.  

Joe Trotter

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