Daily Media Links 10/17: Lobbyists Might Join Romney’s Team, Romney fundraising plan comes with risks, and more…

October 17, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Media Watch: Wired’s Big Miss 
By Joe Trotter
The app they are promoting links the individual donor information (required by the FEC) to that individual’s place of employment and lists the employers name, thereby giving the anti-speech crowd a platform upon which to create the false image that the companies themselves are responsible for supporting (and implicitly corrupting) candidates, rather than individuals expressing support for people running for office.
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Independent groups

Washington Times: Auto union gives $1 million to Obama super PAC 
By Luke ROsiak
The United Auto Workers gave $1 million to President Obama’s super PAC and another million to super PACs working to elect Congressional Democrats last month, filings showed Monday. And the union received more than $5 million from its Detroit affiliate, meaning it has millions more left to spend before election day.   
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Politico: Unions spread cash to liberal super PACs 
By Dave Levinthal
The United Auto Workers funneled more than $5.44 million this summer into its super PAC, the UAW Education Fund, a super PAC, new federal records show.   
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Roll Call: Crossroads GPS Announces $5 Million Ad Buy in Seven States  
By Meredith Shiner 
Karl Rove’s powerful Crossroads GPS is set to go on the air for one week to attack a half-dozen Democratic Senate candidates and one Democratic-leaning Independent, at a total cost of $5 million.  
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NPR: Secret Donors Significantly Fueling Pro-Romney TV Ads
By Peter Overby
Since April, most of the TV ads supporting Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney have come from outside groups, not from Romney’s own campaign. And those groups raised more than half of their money from secret donors, according to a six-month study of ads.  
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LA Times: Koch Industries suggests Republican candidates to employees
By Morgan Little
Billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, often under intense scrutiny for their prodigious political contributions and prominent advocacy for various conservative causes, are back in the spotlight over a “voter information packet.”  
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Politico: Restore Our Future meets donors elsewhere at the Waldorf 
By Maggie Haberman
The pro-Mitt Romney super PAC Restore Our Future, which has been on the air in Michigan and Wisconsin on behalf of the GOP ticket, met with a few dozen donors in a private room a the Waldorf Astoria today, the same day as a campaign retreat for the Republican presidential nominee’s bundlers elsewhere in the hotel, sources familiar with the event said.  

Candidates and parties

Politico: Romney fundraising plan comes with risks 
By Kenneth Vogel
Mitt Romney’s most potent fundraising committee is paying to outsource a big part of its final campaign push to an unusual coalition of party committees.   

Lobbying and ethics

Roll Call: Lobbyists Might Join Romney’s Team  
By Kate Ackley 
GOP nominee Mitt Romney has pledged to create 12 million jobs if elected president. Republican lobbyists have their eyes on just a handful of positions in the executive branch should he prevail. 

Joe Trotter

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