Daily Media Links 10/25: K Street flags shortcomings of lobbying law, Dem ads highlight Romney’s support for Mourdock, and more…

October 25, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Learn Liberty Presents: “Money in Politics” 
By Joe Trotter
IHS’  Learn Liberty video series released a video featuring Brad Smith yesterday entitled “Money in Politics.” 
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Independent groups

Roll Call: Rules of the Game: Conservative Nonprofits Test Labor Unions  
By Eliza Newlin Carney
Some GOP organizers argue that labor “bosses” still outspend them, based on estimates that unions dumped $450 million or even far more into the 2008 election. But that claim is losing credence in the first presidential election since the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling that deregulated political spending.  
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Bloomberg: Adelson Donates $1.5 Million to Virginia Super-PAC Helping Allen 
The billionaire casino executive gave $1.5 million on Oct. 12 to Independence Virginia PAC, which is helping Allen against Democratic nominee Tim Kaine, according to a filing today with the Federal Election Commission. Adelson has given millions to Republican organizations including super-PACs helping Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. 
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Report: Restore Our Future launches ad buy in Maine 
By Alexandra Jaffe
Restore Our Future will launch an advertising campaign in Maine with a $300,000 buy later this week, CNN reports. The super-PAC, which supports Republican Mitt Romney’s bid for president, will air ads in the Bangor, Presque Isle and Portland-Auburn markets.
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Washington Post: Dilemma for D.C. stations: So many political ads, so little airtime 
By Paul Farhi
WTTG (Channel 5), the District’s Fox affiliate, for example, began bumping daily reruns of “The Simpsons” on Monday to add an extra half-hour to its 6 p.m. newscast. The expanded “News Edge” program will focus on political news — the kind of programming political advertisers demand most.  

Washington Post: Romney campaign sign set ablaze in Loudoun 
By Caitlin Gibson 
About 2 a.m. Monday, Leesburg residents Jack and Libby Stevens awoke to the sound of their dogs barking, and quickly saw that their large 4-by-8-foot sign supporting Republican candidate Mitt Romney was ablaze in the front yard.  


Wal-Mart heir bucks family, donates to pro-Obama super PAC 
By Dan Eggen 
The latest financial disclosures from the liberal Priorities USA Action super PAC contained one particularly surprising contribution: $300,000 from Samuel Rawlings Walton, grandson of the famously conservative founder of Wal-Mart.  

Candidates and parties

Roll Call: Obama’s Campaign Quick to Capitalize on Text-to-Donate Option  
By Janie Lorber
Last month, Obama’s campaign reported paying $84,655 in fees to m-Qube Group’s payvia mobile payment service, which manages text-to-donate programs for both presidential campaigns. Mitt Romney’s campaign paid just $1,152, Federal Election Commission records show. The fees — a percentage of the total amount raised via text — suggest that Obama outdid the former Massachusetts governor by about a 73-to-1 ratio among texting donors. 

NY Times: Editing Bolsters Obama’s Role in SEALs Film 
LOS ANGELES — Thanks to the magic of editing, President Obama will have a starring role in a television drama about one of his biggest accomplishments — the killing of Osama bin Laden — that will be shown just two nights before the presidential election. 

Bloomberg: Republicans in Strong Position to Keep U.S. House Control 
By James Rowley and Roxana Tiron
Republicans are in a strong position to keep control of the U.S. House of Representatives next year as political analysts predict that Democrats will fall more than a dozen seats short of a majority in the Nov. 6 election. 

Wall Street Journal: Candidates Battle to Lock Up Key States 
Backed by a ramp-up in TV ad purchases, Mitt Romney will spend much of the final two weeks of the campaign presenting himself as a bipartisan bridge-builder, aides said, while President Barack Obama tries to persuade voters that his Republican rival is painting a centrist veneer over conservative policy positions.  

The Hill: Dem ads highlight Romney’s support for Mourdock 
By Geneva Sands
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the super-PAC American Bridge 21st Century released Web videos Wednesday attacking Mitt Romney for his support of Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock.  

Lobbying and ethics

Roll Call: K Street Lobbyists Decamp to the Campaign Trail  
By Kate Ackley
Lobbyist Alaina Beverly recently scheduled a two-week vacation from her job at the Raben Group, booked a flight to Miami, reserved a rental car and made plans to stay with friends. 
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Politico: K Street flags shortcomings of lobbying law 
By Dave Levinthal
Most lobbyists believe the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act makes it harder for them to interact with staffers on Capitol Hill and is damaging elected officials’ ability to get informed on legislative issues, according to a new survey of hundreds of professional federal lobbyists.   

Joe Trotter

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