Daily Media Links 10/29: Here’s a Memo From the Boss: Vote This Way, Obama: Campaign cash ‘ridiculous’, and more…

October 29, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

NY Times: Here’s a Memo From the Boss: Vote This Way 
By Steven Greenhouse
Imagine getting a letter from the boss, telling you how to vote. 
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High Information Voters 
By Sarah Lee
CCP Chairman Brad Smith has penned an excellent op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal titled, “The Dangers of an Informed Electorate,” in which he opines that the left side of the political spectrum appears to want to keep voters in the dark if it means keeping their employers from directly communicating with them regarding political issues and candidates. All of this stems from an information packet sent by Koch Industries to their employees regarding the impending Presidential and congressional elections.  
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Independent groups

Politico: Liberal mega-donors embrace super PACs 
By Tarini Parti
The hand-wringing is officially over: Democrats have joined the super PAC game.   
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Washington Times: Outside groups paying more for same campaign spots 
By Luke Rosiak
The day before the election, President Obama will be running ads during Cleveland ABC affiliate WEWS-TV’s 11:35 p.m. showing of ‘Nightline’ for only $250 for a 30-second slot. By contrast, American Crossroads, an anti-Obama super PAC, will pay $1,000 for a same-length ad in the same time slot.   
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Huffington Post: Sheldon Adelson Leads Super PAC Mega-Donors To Dominance In 2012 
By Paul Blumenthal
WASHINGTON — Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, among those whose contributions are disclosed, is far and away the largest donor to independent political efforts in both the 2012 election and in any single election in modern history. The casino billionaire, along with members of his family, has given $54.44 million to super PACs to help elect a variety of Republican candidates, from Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on down to a House of Representatives race in New Jersey.  

Huffington Post: Chevron Gives $2.5 Million To House Republican Super PAC 
By Paul Blumenthal
WASHINGTON — Chevron is firmly behind the House Republican majority. The multibillion-dollar oil company’s support is so strong that it has donated $2.5 million to a super PAC working to maintain that majority in the next Congress.  
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Contribution Limits 

Huffington Post: Elimination of Contribution Limits Would Not Stop Secret Spending 
By Ian Vandewalker
Some unlikely lawmakers are considering new restrictions on campaign spending following the onslaught of negative ads from outside groups in this election. Members of Congress who have been stung by ads funded by secret donors are beginning to express support for laws that would require outside groups to publicly report where their money comes from. While greater disclosure would certainly strengthen democracy, the other part of proposals to curb outside spending reads more like a work of fiction.  


Bloomberg: Presidential election hits $2B fundraising mark 
By Beth Fouhy and Jack Gillum
WASHINGTON (AP) — The 2012 presidential campaign has passed the $2 billion mark in fundraising, fueled by an outpouring of cash from both ordinary citizens and the wealthiest Americans hoping to influence the selection of the country’s next leader.  

Candidates and parties

Pro Publica: What Obama, Romney would do about Citizens United 
By Justin Elliot
President Obama talks about changes but hasn’t instituted many. He favors legislation that would require disclosure of donors to dark money nonprofits. The president has also floated a Constitutional amendment to address Citizens United — an idea that’s currently politically impossible. Yet advocates point out Obama hasn’t even instituted campaign finance measures that he could do on his own using executive power.     

Politico: Obama: Campaign cash ‘ridiculous’ 
By Byron Tau
President Obama blasted the current state of campaign finance, saying that the amount of money being spent on elections was “ridiculous.”  

Associated Press: AG candidate Fox returns disputed $32,000 donation from state GOP, opponent files lawsuit 
By Matt Volz
HELENA, Mont. — Attorney general candidate Tim Fox on Thursday returned a $32,000 donation to his campaign from the Montana Republican Party as his Democratic opponent filed a lawsuit over the contribution.  

Joe Trotter

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