Daily Media Links 1/17: John Swallow accusations prompt call for ethics, campaign finance reform, Cuomo Raises $22.5 Million for Re-election Bid, and more…

January 17, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
Default Article
Cato Institute Event: Campaign Finance after Citizens United: What Happened? What Now? 
By Joe Trotter
The event, which begins at 9am, features two panels. The first panel, “After Citizens United: Did Elections Change?,” features Robert Bauer (Perkins Coie), Ray LaRaja (Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts), and CCP Chairman Bradley Smith.  
The second panel, “The Future of Campaign Finance Regulation,” features FEC Commissioner Don McGahn, Lawrence Lessig (Harvard Law School), and CCP Academic Advisor John Samples (Cato Institute).  
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Independent Groups
Roll Call: Conservative Groups Start New Congress With Dose of Reality  
By David M. Drucker
The same conservative activist groups that continue to cause the GOP establishment so much heartburn are approaching the 113th Congress and the 2014 election cycle with what might appear to be a surprising level of sobriety and realism. 
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Candidates, Politicians and Parties

The Hill: Obama gun-control push poses 2014 challenge for House Democrats 
By Cameron Joseph   
President Obama’s decision to make gun control a priority could complicate the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) recruiting efforts for the 2014 midterm elections.
TPM: Filibuster Reformers Open To Reid’s More Modest Reform Plan 
By Sahil Kapur
Reformers are closing ranks behind a more modest proposal by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) that they believe could pass with a 51-vote threshold when the Senate returns next week and chip away at the minority party’s power to obstruct. It represents a concession that the full “talking filibuster” they want may not happen. But accepting the emerging Reid proposal would ward off a competing plan that they consider weaker than Reid’s.  
Star Tribune: Ex-Bachmann aide alleges campaign finance violations 
By Kevin Diaz
WASHINGTON – A top adviser in Michele Bachmann’s 2012 White House bid has filed a complaint with federal election officials alleging campaign finance violations involving her presidential campaign and the independent political action committee she leads.  
Roll Call: NRCC Announces Top Targets for 2014  
By Joshua Miller
The National Republican Congressional Committee on Wednesday released a list of the top seven Democratic-held House seats the committee plans to target in 2014, as it moves to go on offense despite having to defend the second-largest GOP House majority since World War II.  
State and Local
Florida –– Miami Herald: Support mounts to allow unlimited political contributions in Florida    
By Mary Ellen Klas
An ethics watchdog group says it’s time to end all pretense that regulators can limit campaign contributions and proposes unlimited campaign contributions and real-time reporting  
New York –– NY Times: Cuomo Raises $22.5 Million for Re-election Bid 
ALBANY — Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s campaign reported nearly $22.5 million in the bank on Tuesday, a formidable war chest that could scare off potential rivals when he seeks re-election next year. 
Utah –– Deseret News: John Swallow accusations prompt call for ethics, campaign finance reform 
By Dennis Romboy
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah Attorney General John Swallow’s business relationships have prompted a state senator to propose legislation that would prohibit appointed and elected officials from doing work on the side that might conflict with their jobs.  

Joe Trotter

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