Daily Media Links 12/7: FBI said to probe allegations that Gray campaign staff concealed donations, Watchdogs demand a commitment from Boehner to keep ethics board, and more…

December 7, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
Default Article

And the worst office party gift this year is… 
By Sarah Lee
A new incarnation of DISCLOSE! According to the Washington Post, one problem facing this country is a “broken campaign finance” system that contributed to a “flood” of money into this year’s election and was, of course, caused by the Citizen’s United decision that allowed outside spending to play a major role in 2012.  
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Independent Groups

Bloomberg: Rural Law Firm Shields $262 Million in Secret Donations 
By Alison Fitzgerald
The building houses the law firm of Holtzman Vogel Josefiak PLLC, a boutique outfit that specializes in advising organizations that want to participate in the electoral process without disclosing who’s paying their bills.
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Washington Post: What Jim DeMint’s resignation says about him, the Senate and the conservative movement 
By Chris Cillizza
“It’s a creative, innovative move, and demonstrative of the newer way of thinking about how to use new tools today to move an agenda, where service in government is just one way, but not the only way, to drive the conversation,” said Eric Ueland, a former Senate chief of staff and now a lobbyist with the Duberstein Group. 
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Washington Post: Hidden campaign cash 
THE CAMPAIGN is over, but the broken campaign finance system remains. The flood of money into politics in the past two years, including millions of dollars from hidden donors, was unlike anything since the post-Watergate reforms of the 1970s and will only grow worse unless something is done.  
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Candidates, Politicians and Parties

Roll Call: On Rudman and the Future of Campaign Finance  
By Norman Ornstein
Rudman also was a campaign finance reformer. He was appalled by what was happening to the campaign finance system, long before McCain-Feingold was enacted and before Citizens United and its progeny scarred the landscape. 
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Chicago Sun Times: Obama hosted exclusive White House dinner for top fund-raisers
By Lynn Sweet
A White House aide confirming the event told me, “As is commonplace with past administrations of both parties, the president hosted a holiday party with supporters Friday evening in the residence. The event was paid for by the Democratic National Committee.”  

Lobbying and Ethics

The Hill: Lobbyists cashing in on ties to new House committee chairmen 
By Kevin Bogardus 
The chairmen of those three committees all have a network of support on K Street to which they turn for advice and counsel — and that can mean more clients and more fees for the lobbyists who are known to be in the inner circle. 
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The Hill: Watchdogs demand a commitment from Boehner to keep ethics board 
By Jordy Yager
The outside ethics board will cease to exist in less than a month unless Boehner and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) replace at least four of the panel’s six members.   

State and Local

District of Columbia –– Washington Post: FBI said to probe allegations that Gray campaign staff concealed donations 
By Nikita Stewart
Federal officials investigating Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s 2010 campaign have focused recently on allegations that campaign staff members encouraged some supporters to donate by promising that their contributions would not be reported, several people familiar with the investigation said.  

Joe Trotter

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