Daily Media Links 3/5: Obama campaign reveals biggest fundraisers around Election Day, Democrats turn to FCC to unveil secret donors behind political ads, and more…

March 5, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Media Watch: A Long Way to Go 
By Joe Trotter
Organizing for America’s creation reinforces two important lessons about politics.  First, politicians tend to do what is in their best interest at the moment, be it railing against money in politics for cheap political points or helping campaigns transition into advocacy non-profits.  Second, our system of government thrives because of our rights regarding political speech, and that opening the doors to increased advocacy is good for both politicians and the people they serve. 
Independent Groups
Washington Post: GOP super PAC’s faux infomercial hits ‘Organizing for Acce$$’ 
By Aaron Blake
The video also takes a shot at Vice President Biden, joking that “Organizing for Acce$$” will throw in a meeting with Biden for free — or that donors can raise another $500,000 if they want to avoid Biden. 
Politico: W.H.: ‘No set price’ for meeting with Obama 
By Jennifer Epstein
Since OFA is intended to back the president’s agenda, it makes sense that Obama would meet with the group, Carney said. “As anyone would expect, the president would likely meet with their representatives to discuss his agenda.”  
NY Times: The White House Joins the Cash Grab 
It is tempting to applaud the nonprofit group now spending nearly $100,000 on ads to pressure Republican lawmakers to accept gun-control measures. The group is fighting a well-financed and powerful corporate gun lobby that has never hesitated to spend millions to get its way in Congress. 
Washington Post: The temptation of dark money 
BLITHELY IGNORING his own past warnings, President Obama is wading ever deeper into a campaign and politics quagmire filled with potential hazard for his second term. He ought to come to his senses. If he doesn’t, it won’t be easy to clean this muck off his shoes later on.  
WASHINGTON (AP) — Close aides and loyal allies who made President Barack Obama’s re-election possible are attempting to do what’s never been done before. They’re building an extensive, well-heeled network of outside groups and consulting firms with one goal: promoting Obama’s agenda and shaping the legacy he’ll leave behind.  


The Hill: Democrats turn to FCC to unveil secret donors behind political ads  
By Brendan Sasso
The Federal Election Commission is the agency that handles election regulations and disclosures, but the lawmakers say the FCC already has the power to require outside groups, like super-PACs, to reveal who is paying for the pricey, often negative ad campaigns that blanket the airwaves ahead of elections. 

Candidates, Politicians and Parties

Wall Street Journal: Obama Supporters Up for Ambassador Posts 
By Peter Nicholas
Top fundraisers and finance officials in President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign are now candidates for ambassadorial postings to Great Britain, France, Italy and Denmark, and a former Obama staffer is being considered as ambassador to South Africa, according to people familiar with the search process.  
CNN: Obama campaign reveals biggest fundraisers around Election Day
(CNN) – Although federal law places limits on the amount an individual can donate to political campaigns and groups, there are the bundlers: “volunteer fundraisers,” as President Barack Obama’s campaign calls them, who pull together individual donations to form the huge sums campaigns need.  

Lobbying and Ethics

Politico: Barry Jackson’s next move 
By Anna Palmer
Speaker John Boehner’s consigliere has found his next act.   
State and Local
Colorado –– Denver Post: Colorado gun lobbyist faces ethics probe by lawmakers  
By Lynn Bartels 
Rep. Cheri Gerou, R-Evergreen, filed the complaint against lobbyist Joe Neville, the political director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, after an encounter in which she admits telling Neville to “(expletive) off” and he responded by saying: “You just earned yourself another round of mailers in your district.”  
Gerou said she believes that remark — threatening to send mailers critical of her to her constituents — violated Rule 36, which states, in part, that lobbyists cannot try to influence legislators “by means of deceit or threat … or political  reprisal.” 

Joe Trotter

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