Daily Media Links 3/6: Presidential Kingmaker?, Super PACs ruining Republicans, and more…

March 6, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Independent groups

Politico, Rick Hasen: Stephen Colbert: Presidential kingmaker? 
Getting a third party or independent candidate on the ballot nationally is a steep climb — since states have different qualifying rules. So Americans Elect presents a rare opportunity for such a candidate to gain immediate credibility — as well as an ability to focus on the race itself and not the battles over ballot access. 
This offers an opportunity that Colbert may find too tempting to pass up.   

Politico: Super PACs are ruining Republicans 
Today is not Super Tuesday. It’s super PAC Tuesday. Super PACs are the real contenders in the 2012 Republican race. And they’re destroying the Republican Party.   Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73630.html#ixzz1oJwLkqZj

Roll Call, Eliza Newlin Carney: Super PACS Target Congressional Races  
Super PACs and other unrestricted groups have moved beyond the presidential campaign trail to target key House and Senate races, and Congressional candidates don’t know whether to laugh or cry. 

Candidates and parties

NY Times: Four Candidates, the Next Four Months 
By the time mid-March rolled around in 2008, all of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Democratic rivals for the White House except one, Barack Obama, had dropped out of the race.  

Politico: White House to Congress Dems: Expect no money  
President Barack Obama has a bleak message for House and Senate Democrats this year when it comes to campaign cash: You’re on your own.   

Alabama –– Press Register: Candidate says Alabama Supreme Court rulings favor corporate interests
MOBILE, Alabama — The Alabama Supreme Court race between Tommy Bryan and Debra Jones is bringing new attention to a oft-heard political theme: the potentially corrupting influence of special interest donations in judicial campaigns. But this time there’s a twist. 

Joe Trotter

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