Daily Media Links 3/8: Unclean elections, FEC told to tread carefully, and more…

March 8, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

New York Post, Allison Hayward: Unclean elections 
Last week’s arrest of city Comptroller John Liu’s treasurer, Jenny Hou, is just the latest in a string of fund-raising scandals that point to a core lesson. Using tax dollars to pay for political campaigns does little if anything to prevent corruption in government, and may even be a cause of it.   

The Hill: FEC told to tread carefully with post-Citizens United rule 
The Federal Election Commission held a hearing Wednesday on a proposed rule intended to nix and alter regulations that conflict with the 2010 Citizens United decision….   
Alison Hayward of the Center for Competitive Politics emphasized the importance of voting activities being protected, an area she said the new regulations could touch.  
“How ironic would it be for the consequence of Citizens United to be that communications — that is ads about candidates — are somehow more protected than voter registration and Get-Out-the-Vote activity,” Hayward said.   
Independent groups

NY Times: Scrutiny of Political Nonprofits Sets Off Claim of Harassment 
The Internal Revenue Service is caught in an election-year struggle between Democratic lawmakers pressing for a crackdown on nonprofit political groups and conservative organizations accusing the tax agency of conducting a politically charged witch hunt.

Politico: Super PACs unleash politics of the weird 
IWe need a similar term for this year’s Republican primary. Call it “campaign finance weirding.” This has been ignited by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which sparked the development of super PACs.   
Politico: Pro-Ron Paul super PAC rethinks spending 
“Yes, we are reassessing our efforts, but we have always felt that we are a part of a larger movement rather than just a single election,” Endorse Liberty super PAC leader Abe Niederhauser said. “We will continue to support Dr. Paul, but ultimately, we support an idea. We will support candidates who uphold the principles of liberty. We may also get involved in some of the Senate and House races.”   

Roll Call: Super Tuesday Super PAC Spending Blitz  
Super PACs backing the presidential candidates made hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of last-minute expenditures on TV and radio ads, direct mail and phone banks on the eve of Super Tuesday. 

Pittsburg Post-Gazette: Scrutiny of Political Nonprofits Sets Off Claim of Harassment   
The Internal Revenue Service is caught in an election-year struggle between Democratic lawmakers pressing for a crackdown on nonprofit political groups and conservative organizations accusing the tax agency of conducting a politically charged witch hunt.  


Huffington Post: Constitution Check: Did the Supreme Court Give Us Super PACs? 
This is another in a continuing series of posts in which Lyle Denniston provides responses based on the Constitution and its history to public statements about the meaning of the Constitution and what duties it imposes or rights it protects. Today’s topic: the Supreme Court and super PACs. 

Lobbying and ethics

Washington Post: Settling in to Washington’s ways 
Only in today’s Washington could a president circumvent his own ban on hiring lobbyists by hiring the head of a lobbying firm.  


Politico: FEC moves on outdated rules 
It’s been more than two years since the Supreme Court tossed out restrictions on corporate and labor unions’ spending on political ads, but the Federal Election Commission is just getting around to overhauling its rulebook.   


New York –– Times Union: Keep focus on campaign finance reform 
With all of the attention being given to independent redistricting, let’s not lose focus on the related issue of campaign finance reform for New York’s elections. New York City’s campaign finance system gives us a good road map for ensuring that average New Yorkers are able to participate in political campaigns.   

Utah –– Salt Lake Tribune: Utah Supreme Court hears arguments on campaign fundraising 
A former candidate for Utah lieutenant governor on Tuesday argued to the state’s high court that candidates can’t lawfully use both a political action committee and a personal campaign account to raise money.  

Vermont –– International Business Times: Vermont Towns Vote To Overturn Citizens United, Call For Constitutional Amendment 
Thousands of Vermonters raised their voices — and their votes — against the concept of corporate personhood Tuesday when more than 50 communities in the state passed a measure urging the U.S. Congress to begin the process of altering to the U.S. Constitution in order to clarif

Joe Trotter

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