Daily Media Links 4/19: Fake fix for NY pols, Senate Republicans to Hold Hearing on New York City Public Finance Abuses, and more…

April 19, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

NY Post: Fake fix for NY pols  

By John Faso
Third, there is no evidence that numerous campaign-finance “reforms” enacted since Watergate have lessened the role of money in the system. Indeed, every single effort to circumscribe the influence of money in politics has failed over the past 35 years. Today, more money is spent to influence elections at every level than ever before.  
Lastly, candidates have time and again gamed the city’s system by promoting “phantom” opposing candidates in order to open the public-financing taps. A 2011 study by a nonpartisan think tank, The Center for Competitive Politics, found that no fewer than 24 different New York City candidates who took public campaign financing dollars have been investigated in recent years for the misuse of public funds.  
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New York Senate: Senate Republicans to Hold Hearing on New York City Public Finance Abuses

State Senator Malcolm Smith, who was arrested recently on charges he attempted to bribe his way onto the New York City Mayoral ballot, was reportedly  interested in qualifying for matching funds so he could keep the taxpayer dollars flowing to support himself and his allies. 

Release goes on: A 2011 report by the Center for Competitive Politics outlined the many incidences of abuse and identified the New York City public finance system as one of the worst in the nation. 

Ricin-Laced Letters Contain “Stand-By-Your-Ad” Disclaimer 
By Eric Wang
The sender of letters to Sen. Roger Wicker and President Obama believed to be laced with ricin closes with the signoff, “I am KC and I approve this message.” This is an obvious allusion to the so-called “stand-by-your ad” disclaimer required by federal campaign finance law (2 U.S.C. § 441d(d)). As I have often noted, this disclaimer has become a running joke in pop culture, and my observation is corroborated by internet websites and even an Urban Dictionary entry devoted to this phrase and its parodies.  

Independent Groups

Buzzfeed: Alleged McConnell Bugger Visited White House

By John Stanton
WASHINGTON — The head of a group accused of illegally taping private meetings of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign visited the White House days before the group’s Twitter account began actively attacking the Kentucky Republican, according to White House visitors logs. 
Roll Call: Obama Budget Puts OFA on the Spot 
By Eliza Newlin Carney
The key question for OFA will be whether it becomes a volunteer-driven, bottom-up organization, or a top-down mouthpiece for White House policy. If Obama continues to push for entitlements changes, many Democrats’ disenchantment with OFA will inevitably grow.  
Candidates, Politicians and Parties

NY Times (Blog): Donations From Colleagues Identify Vulnerable House Incumbents 
The Federal Election Commission continues to process campaign finance reports covering activity through March, but one pattern is already clear: which House members are most vulnerable in the eyes of their colleagues.  

Lobbying and Ethics

Salon: Bachmann faces fresh ethics questions  
The Office of Congressional Ethics investigation into Rep. Michele Bachmann has reportedly widened to include questions about the use of staff to promote her book tour, according to sources who spoke with the Minneapolis Star Tribune.  
Investigators reportedly began their work by looking into payments to staff from her presidential campaign, but the new questions involve a 2011 tour to promote her memoir, Core of Conviction. Two former staff members told the Star Tribune that they had been asked about whether they worked to promote the book while on the payroll of Bachmann’s presidential campaign, something that would potentially violate federal ethics rules.  

Joe Trotter

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