Daily Media Links 5/4: Edwards refused to lie about affair under oath, ex-aide testifies, and more…

May 4, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Independent groups

Washington Times: Romney super PAC donors put at credit card risk 
By Luke Rosiak
The political fund that has raised more than $50 million to support Mitt Romney’s bid for the presidency has been collecting money online with a system so insecure that it exposes donors’ credit card information to even casual snoopers.  


MSNBC: Edwards refused to lie about affair under oath, ex-aide testifies
Prosecutors in John Edwards’ campaign finance trial were thrown for a loop Thursday when a former aide testified that Edwards refused to lie under oath about his affair with Rielle Hunter.

Candidates and parties

Politico: 5 incumbents facing primary fight 
Five members of Congress have already lost in primaries. So who’s the next incumbent to bite the dust?   


Roll Call: FEC Questions Donations to Marco Rubio’s PAC  
By Eliza Newlin Carney 
Sen. Marco Rubio has lost no time paying an $8, 000 civil penalty to the Federal Election Commission for taking campaign donations beyond the legal limit in his 2010 Senate race. But the Florida Republican’s disputes with the agency may not be over.

Bloomberg: The FEC: A Toothless Watchdog for a $6 Billion Election 
By Jonathan D. Salant 
Worried about election fraud in 2012? Consider this: The Federal Election Commission has six members, and five of them are serving on borrowed time. Cynthia Bauerly’s and Matthew Petersen’s terms expired in 2011, Steven Walther’s and Donald McGahn’s in 2009. Then there’s Ellen Weintraub: She was supposed to be replaced five years ago.  


Montana –– Great Falls Tribune: Groups ask that Montana judge toss ban restricting campaign donations
A broad legal challenge to Montana’s campaign finance laws narrowed Wednesday to focus on corporate contributions to political committees, with conservative groups telling a federal judge that a state ban on such contributions amounts to a restriction on free speech.

Conservative groups have asked a federal judge to toss out Montana campaign-finance laws that prohibit corporations from contributing to political committees.

New York –– Associated Press: NY governor targets Super PACS in campaign reform 
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo railed Wednesday against so-called “super PACs” and their use of millions of dollars to influence voters without disclosing donors, while the biggest group acting that way in New York was created to back him.

Joe Trotter

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