Daily Media Links 5/8: Campaign Text-Donation Plan Gets a New Push, Heiress’ money meant as a gift to help John Edwards, not campaign contribution, and more…

May 8, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Independent groups

Roll Call: Using Super PACs to Get Rid of Super PACs  
By Eliza Newlin Carney
Want to get big money out of politics? Set up a super PAC. 

NY Times: Liberals Steer Outside Money to Grass-Roots Organizing 
After months on the sidelines, major liberal donors including the financier George Soros are preparing to inject up to $100 million into independent groups to aid Democrats’ chances this fall. But instead of going head to head with the conservative “super PACs” and outside groups that have flooded the presidential and Congressional campaigns with negative advertising, the donors are focusing on grass-roots organizing, voter registration and Democratic turnout.

Washington Post: Buffett Shuns Super PAC Contributions While Supporting Obama
By Margaret Collins
Warren Buffett, the world’s third- richest man and a supporter of President Barack Obama, faulted campaign-finance rules that allow unlimited contributions and said he won’t donate to a super political action committee.

LA Times: George Soros backs pro-Democratic ‘super PAC’ 
By Matea Gold
Reporting from Washington— Liberal philanthropist and financial guru George Soros is donating $1 million to American Bridge 21st Century, a “super PAC” that serves as a opposition research clearinghouse for pro-Democratic groups, his spokesman announced Monday evening. 

National Journal: Axelrod: Obama Ready for ‘Contract Killers in Super PAC Land’
By Sophie Quinton
President Obama’s reelection campaign released a new ad on Monday that paints the president as a warrior fighting for the middle class. The message from the new spot, called “Go,” is that Obama has led the nation through the economic crisis. 

Big labor falls in line with Obama reelection campaign  
Organized labor’s rumblings about sitting out President Barack Obama’s reelection have turned out to be an empty threat.

The Hill: Anti-incumbent super-PAC close to targeting Rangel 
By Cameron Joseph
The Campaign for Primary Accountability, a big-spending anti-incumbent super-PAC, may spend against long-time Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.), the group’s spokesman told The Hill Monday evening.  

California: Sherman Files FEC Complaint Against Berman  
By Kyle Trygstad 
“What we’ve got here is a consultant wearing the Berman for Congress hat one day, the super PAC hat the next day,” Sherman consultant Parke Skelton said in a statement.  


Associated Press: Lawyer: Heiress’ money meant as a gift to help John Edwards, not campaign contribution 
A lawyer for a Virginia heiress says he believes she gave money that was intended as a gift for John Edwards, not a campaign contribution as he ran for president.

Candidates and parties

Wall Street Journal: Campaign Text-Donation Plan Gets a New Push 
Political campaigns are already raising millions of dollars via the Internet. Now, two political consulting firms are pushing a bipartisan plan to make online giving even easier by letting cellphone users make small donations with a single text.  

Politico: Body discovered in ocean during Hoyer fundraiser 
Campaign donors to House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer had a startling moment this weekend when they discovered a dead body in the ocean during a political fundraiser at a resort in Puerto Rico.   

Joe Trotter

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