Daily Media Links 6/8: Have consumer boycotts gone too far, Citizens United real impact on WI recall: zero, and more…

June 8, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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CS Monitor: Have consumer boycotts gone too far?
By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
Secondary boycotts “make it harder for people to make a living and lead to a coarsening of civil life,” says David Keating,  president of the center,  which opposes efforts to limit campaign contributions. “It discourages people from getting involved in politics at all.”

Independent groups

Washington Examiner: Citizens United real impact on WI recall: zero
By Conn Carroll
There is no doubt that conservatives’ money advantage played a big part in Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s victory last night. As someone who has walked precincts in a House race where we were outspent three-to-one,  I am well aware of how a bombardment of television ads can change an election. But liberals are just dead wrong when they blame Walker’s victory on the Supreme Court’s Citizen United decision.

Human Events: No,  “Citizens United” did not throw the Wisconsin recall to Walker
By John Hayward
And even that tally doesn’t count the gigantic advantage of union organization,  which they are not at all shy about using for political purposes.  Public employee unions build their ground game upon a fertile garden of taxpayer dollars.  If a reasonable dollar value for this advantage was added to the $25 million in cash spent by Barrett and the unions,  it would be hard to argue that Walker retained any real monetary advantage.

Bloomberg: Crossroads Divides Time,  Money Between White House and Senate
Karl Rove’s American Crossroads,  which discloses its donors,  and Crossroads GPS,  which keeps them hidden,  were among the biggest spenders in the 2010 congressional races,  pumping $22 million into efforts to elect Republicans,  according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

LA Times: What all that money in Wisconsin really bought
By Paul Whitefield
It’s not that the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision was a good one.  And it’s not as if we don’t have a money problem in politics.
But that problem isn’t the undue influence of money on voters.

USA Today: Groups benefit from campaigns’ focus on women’s issues
By Jackie Kucinich
Women’s groups on both sides of the political spectrum are reaping the benefit of the campaign-season focus on women’s issues,  and say they have the opposing side to thank for the windfall.


Roll Call: Appropriations Subcommittee Blocks Funding for Online Reporting of Campaign Ad Data
By Eliza Newlin Carney
When a House Appropriations subcommittee voted this week to block funding for a new Federal Communications Commission program that would require broadcasters to post campaign ad data online,  watchdogs quickly blamed the National Association of Broadcasters.

MSNBC: DCCC chairman calls for passage of Disclose Act
By Rose Gordon Sala
Rep. Steve Israel of New York and chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) called for the passage of the Disclose Act as a way to eliminate a wealthy few wielding excessive influence over elections.

Candidates and parties

The Hill: Romney outraises Obama in May
By Justin Sink
Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee raised $76.8 million in May,  outpacing President Obama in the first full head-to-head month of the campaign.

Washington Post: Obama doesn’t even have a fundraising advantage
By Jennifer Rubin
The president does not have a record to run on. He does not have a second-term agenda. He does not have a big lead in likability. And now he probably won’t have a fundraising advantage.

TPM: Democrats Worry Wisconsin Is Ghost Of General Election Future
“Is our emphasis going to be on raising money and doing ads? No, ” he said. “Our emphasis is going to be on educating and mobilizing workers,  both union and non-union workers,  at the grassroots level.”

CBS News: Cash looms large as Obama courts donors
By Bill Plante
His trip underlines the importance of money in the 2012 campaign.

Wall Street Journal: FEC Poised to Allow Campaign Donations Via Texts
By Amy Schatz
Giving money to political candidates could soon be just a few taps away,  thanks to federal campaign-finance officials who are close to approving a plan to allow political donations via text message.

Joe Trotter

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