Daily Media Links 7/23: Mitt Romney doubles campaign spending in June, Obama Spends the Most, but Romney Raises More, and more…

July 23, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

Washington Journal: Brad Smith
Topic: Guest will discuss his opposition to the recently defeated DISCLOSE Act,  the emergence of Super PACs in the 2012 presidential race,  and the overall impact of unregulated money in politics.


Brad Smith Live on C-SPAN this morning at 9:15 am 
By Sarah Lee
The show will be streamed live on on http://www.c-span.org/Series/Washington-Journal/, and will be archived and available on demand at that site and at C-SPAN’s video library http://www.c-spanvideo.org/videoLibrary/. Please join us in watching this important discussion of money in politics.
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Independent groups

Politico: Democratic billionaires boost pro-Obama super PAC
By Kenneth Vogel
The super PAC supporting President Barack Obama had its best fundraising month to date in June, pulling in $6.2 million, but also spending even more on a barrage of ads blistering Mitt Romney.  
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Washington Times: Corporate shells ramp up super PAC giving 
By Luke Rosiak
Nearly 200 companies gave $8.6 million to super PACs in June, far more than in any month this year, a Washington Times analysis of new federal records showed. The total includes many repeat givers who have given a total of $18 million, and almost all in June came from 40 companies giving $50,000 or more.  
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Washington Times: Obama super PAC spends while Romney one lies in wait 
By Luke Rosiak
The Romney super PAC raised $20 million from 148 people last month – half of which came from former Newt Gingrich supporter Sheldon Adelson, $2 million from profligate giver and homebuilder Bob Perry, and $1 million from a corporation connected to the Koch brothers, according to disclosures filed Friday.  
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Tax Financing

Washington Post: Can vouchers fix campaign finance?
By Dylan Matthews
That’s about to change. John Sarbanes,  a Democratic congressman from Maryland,  is planning on introducing the Grassroots Democracy Act,  which would implement a voucher system for congressional elections.


LA Times: Romney’s mystery bundlers hiding in plain sight
By Joseph Tanfani and Matea Gold
But the details were easily found through a quick online search.  

Candidates and parties

Bloomberg: Obama Outspends Romney 2-1 With $43 Million In Funds For Ads 
By Greg Giroux and Jonathan D. Salant
Barack Obama has more money in his campaign bank account than Republican challenger Mitt Romney, and the president is using his funds early — outspending the former Massachusetts governor by about 2-to-1 last month. 
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LA Times: Obama’s campaign attack on Romney was costly 
By Matea Gold and Melanie Mason
WASHINGTON — President Obama’s sharp turn to the offensive against GOP challenger Mitt Romney last month came at a steep cost: nearly $58 million. 

Washington Post: President Obama spent twice as much as Mitt Romney in June 
By Dan Eggen and T.W. Farnam
President Obama burned through twice as much money in June as Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who ended the month with more cash on hand and has staked out a dominant position in the presidential money race. 

NY Times: Obama Spends the Most, but Romney Raises More 
President Obama outspent Mitt Romney 2 to 1 in June even as Mr. Romney far outraised him, according to campaign reports filed on Friday with the Federal Election Commission, leaving Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party with significantly less cash on hand than Mr. Romney and the Republicans as polls show a head-to-head race. 

USA Today: Mitt Romney doubles campaign spending in June 
By Fredreka Schouten
Republican Mitt Romney raised $33 million in his main campaign account in June and spent $27.5 million, according to a newly filed Federal Election Commission report. That’s nearly double the $15.5 million he spent in May, as the GOP presumptive nominee ramps up his campaign against President Obama.  

Joe Trotter

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