Daily Media Links 8/1: Public looks down on lobbyists, but OK with firms using them, Romney, GOP high-rollers to meet in Aspen, and more…

August 1, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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The Atlantic: The Only Way to Fix Campaign-Finance Regulation Is to Destroy It 
Insanity is doing something over and over, but expecting a different result. That pretty well describes campaign finance reform in America. The worse the system gets, the more we regulate it. The more we regulate it, the worse it gets.  

Independent groups

CNN: Crossroads blasts Obama over economy in new ad
By Kevin Bohn and Ashley Killough
Crossroads GPS, the private arm for the Karl Rove-backed super PAC American Crossroads, released a new television ad Tuesday blaming President Barack Obama for the still-lagging economy.


Huffington Post: Sheldon Whitehouse, Disclose Act Sponsor: ‘We Can’t Give Up’ 
By Paul Blumenthal
WASHINGTON — Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), who recently led a two-day vigil on the Senate floor to press unsuccessfully for a bill that would require secret-money groups spending on elections to disclose their donors, told grassroots supporters Tuesday that campaign finance reformers need to adopt a “Jericho principle” until the issue is resolved.  

Candidates and parties

Bloomberg: Republicans Outraising Democratic Rivals In House Races 
By Jonathan D. Salant 
Trying to win a second term in the U.S. House, Republican Nan Hayworth of New York has almost tripled her fundraising. 

The Hill: New Romney ad changes tone 
By Justin Sink and Amie Parnes
In a shift, Mitt Romney’s campaign on Tuesday unveiled a new ad that embraced a more positive tone than his recent attacks on President Obama’s handling of the economy.  

Politico: Romney, GOP high-rollers to meet in Aspen 
Mitt Romney will hold a fundraiser with some of the biggest donors in GOP politics in Aspen on Thursday night on the sidelines of a closed-door Republican Governors Association high-rollers event, sources tell POLITICO.   

Lobbying and ethics

The Hill: Poll: Public looks down on lobbyists, but OK with firms using them 
By Bernie Becker
People in the United States are skeptical of businesses that use lobbyists, a new poll has found, but generally say it is acceptable for companies to look for advantages in Washington.  

Joe Trotter

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