IFS Legal Director Allen Dickerson to be Nominated to the FEC

June 26, 2020   •  By IFS Staff   •  
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Washington, DC – President Donald Trump today announced his intent to nominate Institute for Free Speech Legal Director Allen Dickerson to the Federal Election Commission. Dickerson has led the Institute’s litigation team since 2011 and is one of the nation’s top experts in campaign finance law. The Institute applauded the president’s decision in a statement.

“The White House could not have found a more qualified nominee than Allen Dickerson. He will bring years of experience, expertise, and a strong commitment to the rule of law to the Commission,” said Institute for Free Speech Chairman and former Federal Election Commission Chair Bradley A. Smith. “He is a lawyer’s lawyer and his temperament is ideally suited for this position.”

During his time at the Institute for Free Speech, Dickerson spearheaded the group’s litigation efforts and engagement with regulatory agencies. He testified numerous times before Congress, state legislatures, and the FEC. Dickerson is also a highly sought-out public speaker on campaign finance law and has authored several law review articles on the topic.

“It is a tremendous honor to be considered for the FEC. I am grateful for the president’s confidence, and hope to have the opportunity to serve the American people in this important role,” said Dickerson.

Long-time Commissioner Caroline Hunter also announced her intention to resign from the FEC today, according to an article in Politico. The six-member commission had recently regained its quorum following the Senate’s confirmation of Trey Trainor. If a new commissioner is not nominated and confirmed before Hunter leaves the FEC on July 3, the Commission will once again lose its quorum.

“Caroline Hunter deserves immense praise for her twelve-year tenure at the FEC. As a former Commissioner, I know how difficult the job can be. She worked diligently to defend the rule of law and enforce regulations fairly. We will sorely miss her insight and her candor,” said Smith.

Friday’s announcement gave no indication of when a formal nomination would be sent to the Senate.

About the Institute for Free Speech

The Institute for Free Speech is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that promotes and defends the First Amendment rights to freely speak, assemble, publish, and petition the government. Originally known as the Center for Competitive Politics, it was founded in 2005 by Bradley A. Smith, a former Chairman of the Federal Election Commission. The Institute is the nation’s largest organization dedicated solely to protecting First Amendment political rights.


IFS Staff

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