2007 Study Report: Has Public Funding Improved Maine Elections?

November 1, 2007   •  By IFS staff   •    •  

Since first taking effect in the 2000 election, the Maine Clean Election Act (MCEA) has been in operation for four elections. As a stipulation of the MCEA, a report was required on its status after several elections. What resulted is the following report from the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices. This study surveys the overall effect of the MCEA by taking into account election data from the 2000-2006 elections, and applying it to the stated goals of the program. Accordingly, the report provides a detailed analysis of the MCEA’s various successes and failures in achieving its goals. A main analytical focus is on spending at all levels, which is calculated and explained through numerous tables and figures. The 2007 report concludes by highlighting the primary issues with the MCEA and offers recommendations to the Maine legislature, which they believe will solve these various problems.


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IFS staff

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